Ukiyo-e Prints
Port Townsend, Washington |
月岡芳年 |
つきおか.よしとし |
1839-1892 |
Subject: Tokugawa Iemitsu
and Ii Naotaka on the Sacred Bridge* at Nikkō
"Mirrors of Famous Commanders of Great Japan" |
Dai Nippon meishō
kagami |
大日本名將鏡 |
たい.にっぽん.めいしょ.かがみ |
Date: 1878 |
11 |
明治11 |
Funazu Chūjirō |
船津忠次郎 |
ふなつ.ちゆうじろう |
Print Size:
1/8" x 9 1/2" |
Yoshitoshi hitsu |
署名: 応需芳年筆 |
しょめい: おうじゅよしとしひつ |
Taiso |
Illustrated on-line:
There is another copy
of this print in the Hagi Uragami Museum |
Condition: Good color, printed on heavy paper, slight stain in the yellow
area of
the sky below the
bridge. Also, some very slight staining near the top area of the water.

Above is a great
photograph of this bridge.
It has been placed in the
public domain by someone who refers to him or herself as Fg2.
We are grateful to this
person for the opportunity to show this. Other photos by this contributor can be
found at
Recently a
correspondent, K., wrote to me with a few ideas about why the bridge at
Nikkō is red. K. wrote:
"I was browsing your
web site [and]... I think I can offer some useful information regarding the
question of 'why' the red bridge at the Tokugawa Tomb.'
The red color is
called ['bengara'] in Japanese, which is a corruption of 'Bengal'. This
precise shade of red is/was used on Shinto shrines, palaces (which doubled
as religious sites in ancient times, the Emperor was a 'priest-king' back
them), the color is also used on bridges and torii. So, the short answer is,
'it's red because it's a sacred bridge.'
Given that the bridge is leading to the tomb, it seems that the obvious
answer is mostly likely correct: it's a sacred bridge because it leads to a
sacred site. However, as you know, the Japanese deified striking natural
formations, and the scene in the print, of river rapids between two bluffs,
is exactly the sort of natural scene
that was a prime candidate for being seen as a sacred site."
This explanation seems
more than reasonable to me and until I hear otherwise this is the one I will
accept. However, it raises a few more questions in my mind. Since bengara
(ベンガラ) is a name derived from the Bengal region in India rich in iron oxide
soil used to acquire this particular color from the 16th century on what
color did they use before that and what did they call it. Was it still a
deep red, but derived from a different material?
Another question
arises from something else I read a number of years ago, but for the life of
me have been unable to find again to check my sources. The quote said that
the red and white of the Japanese flag represented the red or female element
and the white was the male. It doesn't take a stretch of the mind to
understand the sexually oriented use of these symbolic colors. The contrast
of the two in combination is - if this is true - a clear analogy to the
yin-yang concept.
Whether or not the use
of red is meant as the 'female' aspect of the universal whole the thoughts
contributed by K. make a wonderful addition to this site and are greatly
welcomed. Thanks K! |
Tokugawa Iemitsu
(1604-1651 徳川家光 or とくがわ.いえみつ) was the third shogun of his line ruling from
1623 until his death.
1633: Forbade foreign
Banned Christianity.
1634: Began the
reconstruction of his grandfather Tokugawa Ieyasu's shrine, the Tōshō-gū
Shrine (東照宮 or とうしょうぐう) at Nikkō. This took two years.
1635: Established the
Sankin Kotai system which meant that each daimyo
or regional lord had
to maintain a separate household in Edo, the shogunal headquarters.
The daimyo were forced
to split their time between Edo and their homes while leaving
their wives and
children living near the shogun.
1639: Decided that
only China and the Netherlands were allowed to visit the port at Nagasaki.
1651: The only shogun
to die in office.
Interred at the
Taiyūin-byō (大猷院廟 or だいゆういんびょう) at
Smaller than Ieyasu's
tomb, but similar in design.
Iemitsu solidified
the control established by his grandfather, Ieyasu who was one of the
greatest figures in Japanese history. In fact, Iemitsu probably held greater
powers than his two predecessors and created the state which would rule in
relative peace and safety until 1868 when the Meiji Emperor was installed as
the head of nation.
Prior to the Meiji
Restoration it would have been illegal for an artist to portray Iemitsu or
any other Tokugawa shogun in a historical setting. Ten years into the new
era and topics which had been proscribed were now fair game. The artists'
repertoires had suddenly grown at a time when woodblock
printing was on the wane. |
In 1889 Kipling left
India on a trip around the world and stopped in Japan on the way. While
there he decided to visit the shrine/tomb of Tokugawa Ieyasu at Nikkō. After
a five hour train ride he disembarked expecting to travel the last
twenty-five miles by rickshaw. However, his guide convinced him that it
would be better and more comfortable to go by cart. This was a mistake.
"Never go to Nikkō in a cart" Kipling said.
It started out
pleasantly enough. The Englishman was truly impressed. Both sides of the
road were lined with eighty foot tall cryptomeria trees "...with red or dull
silver trunks and hearse-plume foliage of darkest green" The sunken
road was dwarfed by a solid wall of wood. The first five miles were
"Glorious! Stupendous! Magnificent!" But after that spirits sagged. Had it
been a warm, sunny day it would have been one thing, but it wasn't. It was
cold and what had started out so nicely soon turned oppressively dreary.
After another five, long, torturously bumpy hours they reached Nikkō.
There they were met by a fresh wall of giant trees looming over a cascade of
turbulent greenish waters splashing over blue boulders. But most remarkable
of all was the elegant, bright red bridge arching gently over the ravine.
At this point
Kipling's description leaves the world of observation and fact for the realm
of fantasy. He hypothesized that long ago a "great-hearted king" visited the
site and was so taken with the natural beauty that he felt that he must do
something to enhance it. It needed something --- perhaps a touch of color.
But what? Gently the king tried placing a small child dressed in blue and
white against the wall of dark green. An elderly beggar standing nearby saw
this tender and sensitive act. He moved forward to beg for alms. Not wanting
to be bothered while he was decorating the king deftly cut off the old man's
head in one swift stroke. Blood gushed everywhere and some of it fell
on some of the rocks by the river. That was it! This beautiful scene needed
a touch of red. And that is how they came to build a blood red bridge over
the river. At least, that is the Kipling version. To save people the trouble
of searching out the accuracy of this story he added that you will not find
this in any of the guide books.
From: Sea to Sea,
Chapter XIX, "The Legend of Nikko Ford and the Story of the Avoidance of
Misfortune", 1899. |
Of course, this is
not the true story of the origins of this bridge. But that is what makes
Kipling Kipling. Besides, he was never known for what we now call 'political
correctness.' Then what is the true story? We are still trying to figure
that one out. Hopefully, soon, we will be able to give you a somewhat more
accurate account. Much of what we already read is outright contradictory.
Stay tuned. |

Funazu Chūjirō |
Date Seal:
Meiji 11
(1878) |