This print was
published as the bottom half of a sheet.
The top image showed a
comic tengu scene.
The full sheet can be
seen at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.
Those fine people at the University of Vienna have written:
fight with their testicles (kintama) against the modernization of the
Meiji period. The inscribed text reads:
"Asabu Hiroo-no-hara:
Senkintan are afraid of large testicles 千金 丹 大 き ん 玉 に お ど ろ く."
Senkintan were around
1880 fashionable medicines or traveling pharmacists from Shikoku.
The western umbrellas
with the inscription "Senkintan" were their trademarks.
The image joke is
based on a play on words by (Sen) kintan and kintama
("gold balls" = testicles).
The scene takes place
in Hiroo-no-hara in the area of today's Shibuya, i.e. on the edge of the
big city." |